Bids & RFPs
From time to time, the City of Merriam requests equipment, materials, or contractual services from outside vendors. Vendors should carefully read the entire bid or Request for Proposal (RFP) document prior to submitting proposals. Additionally, the vendor is responsible for obtaining all bonds, insurance, and other requested documents outlined in the bid announcement.
Pre-Bid Meetings
Pre-bid meetings are provided to give vendors the opportunity to ask questions regarding sealed bids. In these cases, the bid solicitation will specify the time and place of the meeting and indicate if attendance is mandatory.
Public Bid Opening
Public bid openings are required for formal, sealed bids. These occur on the date and time specified in the solicitation, and are located in City Hall Council Chambers:
Merriam City Hall
9001 W. 62nd Street
Merriam, KS 66202
Bids must be stamped "received" in the administration office prior to the stated deadline in order to be accepted.
Contact the Merriam City Clerk for more information.
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