The City of Merriam is governed by eight City Councilmembers (two representatives from each of the City's four wards) and a mayor. A city administrator and professional staff carry out the City Council's objectives, manage city operations, and provide services.
Mayor Bob Pape
City Council
City Administrator: Chris Engel
Assistant City Administrator: Caitlin Gard
Police Chief: Darren McLaughlin
Public Works Director: Celia Kumke
Parks and Recreation Director: Anna Slocum
Finance Director: Vacant
Community Development Director: Bryan Dyer
Human Resources Manager: Stephanie Thompson
Communications and Public Engagement Manager: Jenna Gant
*A recognized holiday that falls on a Saturday will be observed on the preceding Friday. A recognized holiday that falls on a Sunday will be observed on the following Monday.
When December 25 falls on a Tuesday then, Monday, December 24 is observed as an additional holiday. When December 25 falls on a Thursday, then Friday, December 26 is observed as an additional holiday.
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