In 2014, the Cities of Merriam and Overland Park began a unique partnership. The Overland Park Fire Department gave Merriam a paramedic and medical vehicle, and, in return, Merriam provided fire coverage for the northern-most parts of Overland Park.
Just a few years later, Merriam’s fire department became part of the Overland Park Fire Department. The City of Merriam owns the fire station and all fire equipment for use by Overland Park's firefighters. All trucks, equipment, and uniforms are marked in a manner that identifies both Merriam Fire and Overland Park Fire departments.
The unique partnership saves both cities money. Merriam officials estimate it may save $500,000 over the course of the 10-year contract. Overland Park fire officials estimate the arrangement will save their city $120,000 per year, in contract costs – all while maintaining elevated service protections in both locations.
For more information about the Overland Park Fire Department and the services they provide, visit or call 913-888-6066.
Burn Permits
New burn permits are processed Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. An inspector will need to approve your burn site.
If you were approved in the past and is in the Fire Department's database, you may be issued a permit after hours or over the weekend. Otherwise, you'll need to wait until an inspector can go by during normal working hours and approve the burn site.
All burn permits within the City of Merriam are issued by the Overland Park Fire Department.
Information about all OPFD/Merriam fire permits, including open burn permits.
Apply for a Burn Permit