Plan Purpose
The purpose of this comprehensive plan is to help guide growth and development for Merriam through the year 2040. This plan will assist the city in decision-making as it relates to issues including land use and zoning, housing, commercial and industrial development, sustainability and the environment, transportation and mobility, parks and recreation, and community facilities and services.
Vision Statement
Part of the Merriam Comprehensive Plan 2040 was updating the vision statement used in the 2001 Merriam Comprehensive Plan. Vision statements identify the overriding aspirations of the community in a way that distinguishes it from any other community. It is the overall aspiration for the City. Merriam's 2040 vision statement is below.
Merriam 2040 Comprehensive Plan Vision Statement
The City of Merriam embodies a dynamic, friendly, and family-oriented culture that celebrates our history as a hub of mobility. We are a linkage point for shared amenities, not just for our diverse residents, but also for our neighboring communities.
We recognize and embrace our unique history as an inclusive and well-maintained first-tier suburban community. The City of Merriam enjoys great visibility and convenient access along the I-35 Corridor through its strategic location between other metro communities and Downtown Kansas City.
Merriam offers convenient access to shopping and services, an eclectic downtown area, quality civic facilities, diverse and affordable neighborhoods, and an enhanced parks and trails network that attracts a wide range of ages and demographics.
Comprehensive Plan Goals
To help guide the planning process, a set of goals were updated for the Merriam Comprehensive Plan 2040. These goals were referenced throughout the plan and helped to guide the implementation plan and recommendations included in the report.
1. Housing Choice & Diversity
Merriam offers residents a variety of housing types and sizes that meet the needs of residents from different economic groups, ability levels, stages of life and age groups
2. Neighborhood Reinvestment
Merriam strategically targets neighborhoods for improvement by incentivizing investment and maintenance of the community's housing stock.
3. Quality Public Services
People are attracted to Merriam because of the continued investment in the quality of medical and social services, educational, recreation, public safety and infrastructure, all of which help improve the health and wellness of residents.
4. Identity & Character
Merriam, and its many neighborhoods, have distinct identities that create a sense of place to foster pride and belonging among residents and attract young families to settle and make their long-term home in Merriam.
5. Mixed-Use and Commercial Activity Centers
Merriam contains a thoughtful mix of commercial and mixed-use activity centers that are visually appealing, connected and of appropriate scale for the community with necessary transitional buffers to protect existing residential areas.
6. Sustainable Growth
Merriam uses future-oriented decision-making to support sustainable growth and development through a diversified tax and employment base to promote prosperity, sensible environmental regulation to protect natural resources and durable development made with quality materials and thoughtful design that allow for flexibility and resiliency.
7. Transportation Safety & Mobility
Merriam's transportation system is a safe space that supports various modes of transportation balancing access, parking, mobility and congestion minimization while expanding access to sidewalks, bike lanes, charging stations and public transit.
Existing Plans & Policies Overview
A thorough review of Merriam’s existing plans, policies and programs was completed as part of the planning process. Brief summaries of the plans and policies important to and referenced throughout the Merriam Comprehensive Plan 2040.